Buying/Selling Homes in Arnold

To buy or sale property in the City of Arnold, three items are needed:

Dye Test

Once the dye test fee is paid to the City of Arnold, the buyer or seller can contact a certified plumber of their choice to execute the dye test with our city foreman, Joe DeMao.

For the Tax Certification to be released for closing, the Dye Test has to be completed and passed OR completed, failed and an escrow amount, determined by the plumber, paid to the City of Arnold.  Once the escrow is paid, the Tax Certification will be released for closing.

Once the repairs are made and the Dye Test is passed, the escrow amount in full will be paid to the company/person who provided the escrow.

Home Occupancy Inspection

Once the payment is received at the City, our Administrative Assistant will call to schedule the inspection

Tax Certification

A one year Tax Certification including any sewage/garbage payment due on the property will be supplied for a closing.  Any taxes listed as "tax claim" will need to be made to Westmoreland County, not the City of Arnold.